Venus sextile ascendant synastry lindaland. The descendant is our shadow side, what can be harder for us to see in ourselves, but also what we bring into a relationship. com) Mars is sexy, you will be very attracted to him. There is a healing quality to the relationship—one in which the natives feel that the love they have can heal the wounds they might have accumulated in relationships past. Oct 19, 2018 · Red Flag Aspects in Synastry. Of course there should be also other good aspects, first of all good Saturn aspects, because Saturn holds people together. He would have his moon opposing everyone's saturn born around my age. It is hard to say how that slots into your synastry overall but I can share my own synastry. The tighter its orb, the stronger its influence. this one is not necessarily mutual. future_uncertain Knowflake . 25 degrees. I don't know. My first boyfriend's Venus square my ascendant and we still have a good relationship. My Jupiter is also sextile his Moon but my Saturn is square it and his Saturn is on my ascendant. I dated a guy who's ascendant sat on my Nessus. The Sun conjunct Ascendant IS an indicator of attraction. A Virgo with Aries Ascendant ain't that bad and a Sag with Taurus Ascendant isn't that extroverted. My Venus sextile his Saturn. There is a powerful soul level connection in this relationship. This is a good aspect because how venus is, is how the These aspects are powerful indeed. His venus textiles my uranus. Like you say, you are dealing with a 0* orb. We've also got Venus opp. Mar 2, 2011 · Venus-Pluto Synastry: A Love So Powerful That It Might Just Kill Them. Brenda_S Knowflake . A favorable aspect in the form of a sextile to the Ascendant, symbolizing an active principle for advancement in society Nov 7, 2023 · 1. You love to hang out together and enjoy a rich social life infused with art and beauty. com) I'm slowly starting to dive a little bit into Magi astrology. His Pluto trine her Venus. I think we were as obsessed, but mine lasted longer. his saturn 1 degree conjunct my venus, and my saturn trine his venus, it was miserable having his saturn on my venus. Dec 7, 2014 · In my current synastry I have his Moon and Sun trine my Saturn - 1st ASC ruler. com) Bump! What Mercury rules is important. Venus squaring the ascendant means that is is conjunct the 4th or 10th house cusp— and that’s significant on its own. Maybe it feels out of this world because of these 3 planets in contact with each others ascendants. Posts Dec 17, 2018 · Her Gemini Venus trine his Cap Mercury. My venus in the 6th house, I never had problems keeping work until him. However, these aspects may also indicate your tastes and likes, and how well these things match up with your partner. Doesn't really "like" my fashion choice, although he admits that it has a certain kind of quirky charm lol. -----Quintiles. My sons Sun trines my Nessus, his Mars squares my Neasus. This aspect represents a powerful connection that can be difficult to break. Ascendant – venus dw, ascendant-mars dw: feel at ease with each other, find each other very attractive, support/encourage each other. Another guy who's AC squared my Nessus. com) "In a relationship, if one person's Apollo is conjunct the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars or Ascendant of the other person, the love the Apollo person receives is unbelievable. Dec 21, 2015 · Depending on the personality of the ASC, they will either feel like a million bucks around venus or it could be overbearing. Knowflake. My Saturn square his Jupiter. When Venus, the embodiment of beauty, charm, and elegance, aligns with Pluto in a conjunct, sextile, trine, opposition, or square aspect, the intensity becomes immense. Her Venus is exactly conjunct my Vertex (which seems kind of creepy), and her Mars conjuncts my Venus by 3 degrees (which is even more creepy!). Venus, in particular, is willing to overlook Neptune's faults, and Neptune is generally very pleased to be The most sensitive points in a chart are the major axis. posted July 18, 2014 07:19 PM. I know it can be a polarizing subject for people. The Sun person mirrors many of the traits that the Descendant person lacks, and unconsciously seeks in order to fill a balancing act within himself or herself. Jan 17, 2015 · Its intense and it's not something to play with, Nessus is a very dark energy. com Venus in Soft Aspect (trine, sextile, semi-sextile) with Ascendant in Synastry Chart. If anyone could shed some light, I would be happy todo a tarot reading. g. I have this aspect with someone. This combination is favorable for romantic and loving relationships as well as for best friends. Sep 27, 2015 · I have Venus trine Neptune both ways with someone in synastry. You may or may not be mutually attracted, depending on the rest of your synastry. my Venus and the relationship was fun. Maybe is stronger than the same Ascendant. Venus in 1st house Venus in partner's first mars trine mars - 4°09s mars opposition venus - 7°38a pluto opposition venus - 7°29a venus square mars - 7°13s Venus trine pluto - 0° 40' Mars sextile Saturn - 4° 24' Eros conjunct mars - 0°10a Eros trine mars - 1°08a Eros trine pluto - 0°58a eros quintile venus - 0°03s Eros trine moon - 1°31s. May 31, 2019 · Sun and Venus conjunct in the synastry chart. It is best to investigate the complete Synastry and Composite when you have an aspect like this. All I can say so far is that the attraction is massive. Although this position can produce a sense of competition, it is more apt to denote a very significant spiritual link between two people. The boyfriend I had all through high school died sat. This aspect enhances charm, social skills, and attractiveness, creating a positive and harmonious energy in personal relationships and social interactions. Posts Ascendants in conjunction is brother and sister relationships whereas ascendants in sextile or trine is cousin relationships. posted December 05, 2010 12:56 PM. Partner’s Neptune Square/ Opposite Your Sun. and one guy i'm still obsessed of -my Lilith square his Venus (and within 3 degrees is his Sun, Mercury and Karma)-his Lilith conjunct my Uranus-his Lilith semi-square my Venus. Ceridwen Moderator posted April 02, 2014 06:56 AM. ----- Dec 24, 2013 · Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. com) alright, so who shocks who and who loves who at first sight? I have read that with this aspect it is the uranus that loves the venus at first sight and if the venus is female and the uranus is male ir means rest assured that your mate (uranus) will always find your attractive. Our Mercury's conjunct by 2 degrees in Virgo. Both naturally understand each There is an exact conjunction between my Ceres and his Jupiter (I'm talking 0'00), and his Ceres is conjunct my Saturn/Uranus and opposite my Venus, weird, what could this mean? Ceres mystifies me in regards to synastry IP: Logged. And I also have Mars/Uranus square Ascendant. I tried looking for it on Google but all i got was ascendant, or ven con des in the natal not synastry. Specifically, Venus person is attracted by Ascendant person's external appearance and personality, while Ascendant person is attracted by Venus person's sense of beauty and charming manners. ------------------. com) Valentine conj/trine Sun – love/infatuation for the person? Valentine conj/trine Moon - love of the person emotionally or as a mother figure? Valentine conj/trine Merc - love of the words/mind of the person. Venus-Venus relationships in the synastry chart are all about how you give and receive affection. When I was "crushed" with him, transiting Jupiter was moving into an opposition to my Venus (and Registered: Jan 2010. c and mc(gravitational axis). I suppose then you must consider what Pluto means, and whether the aspects are easy or not. My Saturn trine his Chiron. Venus and Ascendant person radiate a powerful and mysterious aura that piques the interest of each other. Like my ex had his moon in cancer. Oct 7, 2016 · When my daughter was a baby she absolutely refused to sleep in a crib. The Ascendant person feels loved and adored, and appreciates the Venus person’s taste, mannerisms, and social If the man has Taurus Moon Opposite Scorpio Venus conjunct Saturn in the 8th house . Bc saturn is more generational and nodes move faster. We have a grand trine of Venus, Venus and Pluto in our synastry. mars trine venus dw, mars trine mars dw: very in tune with each other feelings, great sex. My honey and I have sun, moon, mercury and ascendant conjunct Pluto in synastry and if you can imagine I'm a little more than obsessed with him. Venus Trine Ascendant. (my venus conjunct his asc, his venus trine mine). I've seen it in the conjunction and the sextile. I used to tell people "she overpowers me somehow" even when she was a baby. His Moon semisquare Venus, trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn, square Neptune. This can be self-delusion or fantasy in you or your partner. You do not see your partner clearly with their Neptune in challenging aspect to your Sun. This aspect enhances love, attraction, and compatibility in a romantic partnership, fostering a deep appreciation for each other's qualities. Generally good for friendship and teaming up ASC could feel the other understands them like no other, when it comes to verbal Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 8956 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012: posted October 02, 2018 The conjunction of Venus and Neptune in a romantic comparison implies a highly romantic bond between the two individuals. The truth is I really fell hard for this girl and she broke up with me after about 6 months. Aubyanne Moderator . See full list on cafeastrology. that is the ascendant and descendant (magnetic axis)and the i. His Saturn opp my Chiron. Sun person feels loved by charming Venus person while Venus person is fascinated by Sun person's personality Lindaland Astrology 2. All four there was a lot of physical attraction and a real immediate "liking"! What got me thinking of this today is not so fun. Registered: Aug 2015. He's on the outside, I'm on the inside. I find it hard to differentiate Jupiter - Ascendant and Jupiter-Sun. I disagree on overcoming difficult saturn aspects. Aug 19, 2015 · Neptunian Venus; See my above quote- I had it wrong it was his South Node- but if you are still interested yes there was some other saturn stuff, the mars one the only really significant; His Saturn sextile my Mars. his neptune squares my moon. In conjunction with Ascendant in the Synastry chart, people whose Mars kindle each other's desire. BUT there's other stuff going on as you know which might factor into that. But the Moon, Mars and Jupiter signs has to be compatible regardless of what. On the contrary, I've had a very one sided attraction once (his venus, my sun). There is also the possibility that the ASC person feels like Venus only likes them for their looks, and is ingenuine. Sun conjunct Venus Q his Saturn Sun conjunct Venus BQ his MOON Sun conjunct Venus TQ his Mars Sun conjunct Venus QQ my Venus conjunct Mars on his AC. Ann7 Knowflake . Her Saturn conjuncts my Sun by . You have similar likes and dislikes and are more compatible. Jun 11, 2021 · June 11, 2021. Posts: 114 From: Venus Sextile Pluto Dec 2, 2016 · PainInTheWorld. Then, his AC/Mars is in my 5th house. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I always felt beautiful until him. Regardless, one of the main themes with Pluto conjunct Ascendant in a composite chart is the passion. Posts: 116 From: -his Lilith conjunct my Vertex -My Lilith square his Pluto . Even in the composite, Pluto is EXACTLY conjunct the ascendant, neptune is sextile , and uranus is semi-square. Apparently, it's a true love/marriage aspect and blossoms from the healing of past It's sextile my IC! That's sounds good, but I'm wondering what it actually means? Future_uncertain, you weren't wrong that there isn't a lot of MC/synastry info on the web! His Venus is conjunct my DC and my Sun and Mars are conjunct his IC too. I was looking at a friend's asteroids and noticed that his Aphrodite is almost exactly conjunct my Ascendant. In his natal chart, his venus was conjunct saturn and neptune and my neptune was conjunct his venus and saturn - there were more aspects at play with just one touch from my descendant. Should I read this the same way as Venus conjunct the Ascendant (which his Venus does, loosely)? Does anyone have any experience with the love asteroids, past or present? IP: Logged. I have this with a guy, my Aries Venus opposed his Libra Ascendant. Yes -- If someone has their Venus on your ASC, they will be attracted to you in terms of physical appearance. 3 were long term relationships and 1 was very fleeting. My dad and I are very different. Composite Pluto conjunct Ascendant. As you may notice, there`s not only a Grand Trine, but my Venus is exactly opposite his Venus-Pluto-midpoint. The former wants to nurture, hold on to and join. The intense physical attraction is what pulls them towards each other. and this is being activated by the woman's Scorpio Ascendant on this (ALL THIS HAPPENING WITHIN TIGHT ORB) What could the man's feelings be just based on this? IP: Logged. Betty Boop Knowflake . Maybe with Venus there, YOU end up embodying those traits you like for that person. Jun 5, 2019 · I've also been rethinking other conjunction connections in synastry. When they meet, there is a dreamy, other-worldly energy between them. Overall Meaning of Venus Sextile Ascendant. I adore him. Posts: 736 From: Registered: Sep 2018: posted June 06, 2019 11:56 PM Her venus is also conjunct my ascendant (but that's in my first house). His Neptune trine my Venus and my Neptune trine his Venus. Venus in the 9th house : When someone's Venus is in your 9th house in synastry, it can indicate a strong connection based on shared values around learning, growth, and exploration. llewsacm Knowflake . This can be either very challenging or bonding, depending on how well they handle their combined Pluto energy. Nov 6, 2023 · When Venus is sextile Descendant in synastry, it indicates a favorable and harmonious connection between two individuals. com) I have had this with four different men. When "B" is successful, "A" feels successful. This composite aspect brings out a lot of intense emotions to the surface for both partners. Posts: 28 From: united states Registered: May 2009: posted February 16, 2008 07:24 AM Jul 16, 2015 · It's funny because, in my own case, I do seem to find Venus-Venus in some major attraction. This is an extremely strong indicator of compatibility in a relation. Dec 27, 2015 · But I have Venus square ascendant natal. Posts: 5230 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014: posted September 26, 2015 01:32 PM conjunct his Sun/Valentine conjunct his Venus/Pluto conjunct his Eros/Amor* conjnct his Valentine/MC. hypatia238 Moderator . She actually though I was only into her for sex-basically saying I was into her looks. That is the desire for action and excitement. So i KEEP attracting men with Venus in Pisces, it's already becoming kinda annoying. raspberri Knowflake . The Venus person loves the way the Ascendant person looks, dresses, and behaves. Both make the planet/angle person feel bolstered. I never realised how many people close to me I have this with loool. his moon trines my ascendant. Venus is my dominant planet. My Alma conjunct his Sun (2 degrees) His Alma conjunct my SN and Vertex (0 degree and 1 degree) Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. Aug 29, 2020 · The Moon conjunct ascendant natal aspect is a very important one, depending on the orb. LoVeLy Knowflake . His Venus conjunct her Jupiter in Cap. This can be especially true in a parent-child relationship. His Venus: 4° Taurus My Venus: 6° Capricorn His Pluto: 8° Virgo. his Venus squares my neptune. I have Venus Opposite my husband's Neptune, it is part of a Grand Cross configuration. This may also indicate ego conflicts, but women are better able to handle this than a man would in a woman's chart. His Uranus (5th ruler) conj my Uranus. I'm so cappy Knowflake . B'S MC SEXTILE A'S MARS: Karma aspects contribute to the sense that a relationship is fated and destined and that your connection to a person is important in terms of the lessons you can learn from it (depending on the planet, Venus is about beauty, love, romance and harmony in our emotional attachments and other unions). Ascendant finds Venus person’s presence magnetic, fun and beautiful. Posts: 15619 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014: posted December 27, 2015 05:16 AM That's a good aspect to have in synastry, the Moon person is usually responsive to the DSC person's relationship needs (but here it's more complicated because his Moon is opposed by Venus/Saturn, so he may be indecisive / insecure). Your partner may be intentionally trying to deceive you, pretend to be someone they are not in order to appeal to you Venus conjunct Uranus. From: Gehinnom. I think nodes are stronger. summerlite Newflake . Pluto’s potent essence infuses Venus with a transformative power, casting a spell that transcends the In turn my Venus conjunct Mars quintile series is activated by his chart fully. Aries23Degrees Knowflake . The more and/or closer Jupiter connections in synastry, the better that person will make you feel. Please any explanations? I mean its gotta be a great thing right? IP: Logged. Nov 9, 2016 · I feel confused because I have Venus square Ascendant but also Venus conjunct MC and Venus is the ruler of my Ascendant. thanks! the Even my Neptune conjuncts his ascendant exact and his neptune trines mine (wide). So im assuming that in synastry any aspects involving the planets of one person conjunct opposed or square anothers angles are the strongest indicators of compatability. Aug 27, 2017 · Exactly! I completely agree. VENUS-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Venus conjunct Ascendant (Venus opposite Descendant) indicates an aesthetic and sensual type of connection which may feel like an instant crush, or even finding your soulmate. Even though geometrically the two ascendants form a conjunction, they will be expressed completely differently. Neptune adds some mist to Venusian love. The Venus person, in particular, finds the Neptune person inexplicably attractive - even ideal on a romantic level. This aspect fosters emotional and social compatibility, providing a solid foundation for various types of relationships, including marriage, romance, and even business partnerships. Instead, I enjoy a much sweeter connection with Venus trine/sextile Moon. And our plutos sextile each others ascendants. She would only sleep on me. his sun trines my ascendant. Posts: 1829 From: Somewhere When the Sun conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, the attraction is fascinating. My daughters Mars squares my Nessus. Sun-moon dw: understand each other very well. I have 2 guy friends with their Leo Venus trine my Venus and it's fun hanging out with him. I like Venus/Venus sextile and trine. I'm really confused, lol. com) Originally posted by Taineberry: ok . Posts: 8980 Dec 12, 2015 · Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. It helps develop friendship between two people. This is partly due to a lively sense of sompetition the relationship arouses in "A" and partly to a genuine enthusiasm "A" feels for "B's" career. Carey Hart doesn't have birth time, but i ran their synastry any way and the only significant aspect they have is Venus Conjunct Lilith, and they describe their relationship as "soulmate," that even if it has Venus conjunct Ascendant You tend to reinforce each other's self-esteem and self-expression. Venus trine, sextile or semi-sextile Ascendant in the synastry chart This trines/conjuncts my Sun at Libra 5 and my Ascendant at Aquarius 1. I remember only one person with posted April 23, 2017 08:24 PM. Jun 29, 2016 · Anyway -- Jupiter, whatever planet it's associating with -- is a big, hearty dose of the feel-good-factor. this is my experience for Sun conjunct pluto in synastry - the Pluto person is obsessed initially with the Sun person, even idolizes Sun and the relationship is very passionate - the Sun person feels empowered and this can endure for a long time if indicators are there in the rest of the chart. Dec 11, 2017 · Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. Dated a guy who's Venus trined my Nessus. Jan 22, 2019 · It's nice with Venus, but as with any planet, take time to observe what you like and dislike about it. She was intricately involved, felt herself as an extension of me. I'd say most people have their uranus in my 12th house conjunct my ascendant, they always feel they can be themselves with me. Her Aries Sun sextile his Aqua Asc. Nov 16, 2020 · On the other hand I haven't noticed the same almost fool proof rule when it comes to men's venus conjunct my sun. This comparative combination has a way of creating sudden and exciting romantic attractions; few aspects are stronger in the sexual attraction department. You are right in all but the last phrase. Astrology Articles. If on the other hand, you don't like assertive guys, this will be a turn off as you can't help but bring out the Mars in him. It is the Karma person that has this feeling. I thought he was the most beautiful human being ever, physically, from his side it was more liking and finding me aesthetically nice to look at. E. (He has Leo Asc and venus in Aquarius, and I have Venus in Leo- with an Aquarius ASC) We broke up a long time ago (for different reasons), but the attraction we felt for one another was SOooo huge!- It's a feeling like you've found your 'ideal' mate. This placement suggests that you and your partner may share a love for learning, exploring new ideas, and expanding your horizons. . He told me that from the first moment he saw me he was startled and felt like I was "different" and "special" immediately. Jun 17, 2015 · Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. With other aspects being positive, the Saturn individual can be a great teacher to the ascendant person and the ascendant person shows respect to the Saturn person. These people feel a strong need to be together The rest of the syanstry was pretty hot, with my Ascendant/Mars in his 8th house right on his Vertex, and his Eros is right there, too, sitting right on my AC and Mars 0°. Venus is responsible for the ability to love and accept a reciprocal feeling, the blessings of life, enjoy and rejoice in the world around it, and also make money. Posts: 1060 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010: posted September 16, 2010 09:49 AM With the trine it wouldn't be as powerful as the conjunct, opposition or square. It is sometimes to the point of worship. The quintile series is found by dividing 360/5 = 72 degrees. I drive him crazy with my Instagram selfies lol and I think he's hot as hell. I know Alma is soul, so how would you interpret these two aspects in synastry that I just realized I have. I don't know how he felt. However, I'm intrigued by a certain aspect, when someone's Chiron conjuncts another's Venus. His natal Mercury conjunct Sun/Venus, square Jupiter/Saturn, sextile Neptune, trine Pluto. hypatia238 Moderator Feb 16, 2011 · Venus is love & Saturn is restriction. Venus sextile Ascendant is a harmonious aspect that influences the way an individual presents themselves in the world and interacts with others. mutual indulgence/spoiling could be a word used to describe it Apr 7, 2021 · Venus Sextile Ascendant – Synastry, Transit, Composite. You definitely like each other. These aspects are very romantic, though they aren’t sexual. Aspects / Astrology / Synastry. However, if their Venus is on your DC, you will be very, very attracted to them! Someone’s Venus is square my ascendant by 4 degrees, and I don’t think he’s turned off my by looks either. I was not into the attachment parenting philosophy but she forced me into it. posted July 19, 2012 04:23 PM. Look for the conjunction, trine, and sextile, in particular, as an indicator of true love. o. The fact that Saturn and the 8H are in the mix makes me think that he's not indifferent at all. Posts: 269 From: Registered: May 2009 . On the other hand, Mars's person is captivated by the beauty of the Ascendant person. His Mercury (chart ruler, MC/SN ruler) trine my Uranus and his Saturn (MC planet, IC ruler, 5th ruler) trine my Uranus. I do not know if that's important. his uranus trines my venus. Posts: 7969 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode In synastry, Saturn aspects can reveal karmic ties between two people. What the heck does this mean!? I recently found out that someone has their venus like right on my descendant. The latter wants to be recognized, be center stage, while also being independent. It creates fascinations but not love at first sight. EDIT: * obviously that is relevant for the composite. Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014: posted March 05, 2014 06:10 AM Well I definitely want to lavish everything on him but other factors in our synastry inhibit me. We were together for 6 years. My recent ex-husband I have . com) So I was watching a documentary about P!nk and her relationship with Carey Hart. The Moon conjunct the ascendant sometimes make you come across as a Cancer rising. The way I would see it, without any other guidance, is that the effects of these aspects are on the contributor of Pluto. I had with the love of my life a double whammy of Venus conjunct the ASC. My ex's Libra Venus sext. his saturn textiles my sun. Its in aries. You have a loving connection with a high mutual attraction. Karmic relationships in synastry are often indicated by major aspects from the outer planets of one partner (Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto) to the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), nodes or angles of the other. Mars DW and Moon trine Venus 3° DW, and his Venus trine my Pluto 0°. Most astrologers allow an orb of 8-10 degrees when talking about the ascendant. There is a definite romantic fascination for each other, and if other signs in the chart are right it may last, but often it won't. We have to look at the wholepicture. For example: Case #1: My Venus conjunct his Venus (a bit wide, but same sign) My Venus conjunct his Eros (less than 1 degree) My Venus conjunct his Mars/Venus midpoint (exact) My Venus trine his North Node. We enjoy doing the same things. c-Uranus/Cupido on 1 Scorpio squares c-ASC on 1 Aquarius (and conjuncts c-union on 29 Libra). Anything I did to feel beautiful he A'S MARS SEXTILE B'S MC: "A" really motivates "B" to achieve long-held goals and ambitions. Posts: 210. To have both of them is special strong. This is a typical Soulmate Indicator Aspect, much like Ascendant conjunct EROS or VALENTINE or ISIS or OSIRIS or AMOR in Synastry. posted December 01, 2016 05:49 PM. Feb 9, 2016 · This is a dreamy and romantic combination in which the two individuals feel like their partner enhances their lives spiritually. As a square in composite it could definitely indicate. Venus trine Ascendant in synastry signifies a natural affinity and ease in relating to one another, creating a harmonious and friendly dynamic. If this isn't true for a person then chances are the Sun-AC synastry aspect isn't the issue, it's probably lack of Venus, Mars etc synastry . 0 eros/ascendant conjunct in synastry Topic: eros/ascendant conjunct in synastry: Pennylane Knowflake . So, in the case of Pluto trine Ascendant - you might find Pluto is interested in/fascinated by/obsessed with/etc the Ascendant person. GalacticCoreExplosion Knowflake . Sun/Moon conjunction is one of the strongest aspects in Synastry. IP: Logged. com) What have you felt if your Descendant was conjunct a guy's Venus? Is it a feeling that that's what you need in love? In my case, my Asteroid Karma sits on muy DSC either. In showing affection, he's more subtle than me. c-Eros/Amor on 2 Leo conjuncts c-DESC on 1 Leo. My most intense relationship was with a Libra with Venus in Scorpio, Conjunct my Ascendant. Valentine conj/trine Venus - just love or infatuation. Venus rules my Descendant, Neptune rules his, so there is a strong 7th house tie. On the contrary— his Venus conjuncts my IC. Both planets long to touch and feel each other. He appreciates my physical looks. So if nodes conjunct an angle in synastry at a very tight orb, it's more significant than saturn aspecting a planet in synastry imo. Posts: 2550 From: venus Juno conjunct another person’s Sun, Moon, Venus, Juno, Ascendant, Descendant, Node or ruler of the 5th, 7th or 8th houses can be quite powerful! For example, with Juno conjunct your partner’s Midheaven, you may have a business partnership or work with our spouse. Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. Sun person helps Ascendant person awaken to their true identity and calling and Ascendant person reveals their nature in transparent ways which helps Sun person feel more confident. A Cancer Ascendant is vastly different from Leo. my ex and I have Venus conjunct Moon but I don't remember our interaction being sweet and tender. [QUOTE]The sextile and trine between Venus and Neptune in synastry implies a real tolerance between the two. Originally posted by 12muddy: I have venus-asc both ways in synastry with my s. We were deeply in love with one another. Dumuzi Knowflake . The Ascendant person is attracted by the independent and assertive nature of the Mars person. But Mercury will feel very communicative, restless, energized for good or bad with the ASC, and draw this out in them too. Opposition causes some tension and disagreements. Unless Saturn initiates, every time Venus is expressed, Saturn sabotages. So we have a trine between our chart rulers, plus my Saturn sesqusquare his Mercury. Valentine conj/trine Mars Jun 9, 2019 · Sun trine, sextile or semi-sextile Ascendant in the synastry chart. With the conjunction there is a familiarity, but Leo Jul 3, 2017 · I've never been the venus conjunct someone's asc but I'm now the ascendant conjunct someone's venus. What are you guy's experiences with this aspect? How did it play out in hour relationships? -----Virgo Asc 6˚& Mars 0˚ Gemini Sun 24˚ Libra Moon 14˚(conjunct Pluto 0˚ in 2nd house) Nov 9, 2012 · Particularly in the case of the conjunction, trine, and sextile, the Ascendant person is seen as the Venus person’s physical ideal of the perfect mate. Although not accurate, he always told me that I was beautiful and that I was perfect in every way. uj yq wr wk tr ay ci bu dv xy