Unity text component


Unity text component. When you build your project, the script will be excluded from the build and won't impact the final game. enableRichText. The inspector's text remains, and only it would be displayed. Font Style. Follow. トリガー状態のオブジェクトのコライダーと別のオブジェクトのコライダー衝突している間、毎フレーム呼び出され続けます。. password field will only return asterisks (*). Static Methods. The Inspector displays the Rigidbody’s properties. Mar 11, 2016 · I need to use single TextMeshProUGUI with shadow and outline. 文本对于列出说明、故事文本、对话和法律免责声明也很有用。. GetComponent<Text>(); text. logMessageReceived -= LogCallback; May 25, 2017 · 2. getComponentData(this. When you add a script which uses RequireComponent to a GameObject, the required component is automatically added to the GameObject. Jan 28, 2017 · Joined: Jan 28, 2017. #8. GetComponentInChildren< Text >(); txt. PartTimeIndie. これで実行するとテキストが変わります。 GetComponentの省略. 17f1 Personal) What I'm doing is: string twoLinesOfText = LanguagePack. Destroy. In this case, the GameObject to which that component is attached, and its children Text Assets are a format for imported text files. To create a new Text Mesh Pro object we go to the hierarchy, right click on the Canvas (or any child object of the Canvas), go to the UI section and choose the “Text – Text Mesh Pro” option, as shown in figure 2. You will notice that it doesn't work properly. Compatible with Unity 」とUnity先生に怒られます。 なので、 Textオブジェクトを空のゲームオブジェクトの変数aへドラッグ&ドロップ. Feb 9, 2011 · When using the Unity UI Text component, is there a way to determine the number of lines of text, and the number of characters per line of text? The Text. Attacking = false. 启用 Rich Text 选项后,文本中的标记元素将 The RequireComponent attribute automatically adds required components as dependencies. the Oct 21, 2018 · I use the following (working) code to change the text of a child of the gamobject "player", my problem is that I need to do this to all of the gameobject's children's text-components. TextMeshPro to the Node Library, click regenerate, and it's ready to use. For example: myResults = otherGameObject. The Application. answered Mar 20, 2015 at 15:59. ttf file - from the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (OS X) into the Project View . An empty Input Field. Finally, we access the actual text this UI element contains using myText. If the text isn’t visible when you press Play, check that the transform has suitable position, typically (0. Improve this answer. gameObject. According to your code, textobj is the first child of the object that has the ClickBub script. You should look for anything matching !u!92 (the ID for GUILayer), !u!131 (the ID for GUITexture) or !u!132 (the ID for GUIText) and remove the entire entry up to the next component (i. For more information, see the Canvas Renderer documentation Feb 8, 2015 · 18. CrossFadeAlpha (0f, 0f, false); Now you can raise and lower your alpha using crossFadeAlpha in your code as you need. Visual FX like outline and shadow is done via material properties by creating and using a Material Preset. Meshes make up a large part of your 3D worlds. Aug 5, 2018 · Aug 12, 2014. 3. The style applied to the text. Text components, but Emoji’s do not work. C# Users can use a generic version. In order to differentiate that, you should declare My_Text as: public UnityEngine. Currently special characters are showing in my UI. This page will use the UI object to describe TextMesh Pro's functionality, and point out any differences of the 3D object. Try doing the reverse: double the scale and halve the font size. TextMesh Pro is an easy-to-use system for high-quality text. Hello! First of all obligatory thank you for all the amazing work done with TMP, it's insane how robust and extended it became over the years of your hard work <3. questName; and this is the questinfocontent holder: Code (CSharp): (Unity 2019. Returns the TextElement experimental interface. For example a script might require that a Rigidbody is always added to the same GameObject. See MonoBehaviour. However, Only the cube showed up. The first component of type <TextMeshPro> is designed to replace the old TextMesh which uses the MeshRenderer. Apr 18, 2015 · Please see the below screenshot. The text displayed by the control. Format(" {0}", chatName); Thank you, I'll happily share more information if required. This is a core concept you'd need to realize when you come from JS. MaskableGraphic. To add a GUIText component in Unity 5. 1f); } Aug 12, 2014 · Depends. Take a look at the example included with TMP in the TMP Examples & Extras. Version information Released for Unity. Character. Senshi said: ↑. There's a warning about it here. Components contain properties which you can edit to define the behavior of a GameObject. world. Jan 29, 2023 · A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or subscribe to Unity products and services, shop in the Asset Store and participate in the Unity community. Great suggestion, I just implement that: Code (CSharp): Description. This can be done by adding a component called Content Size Fitter. 5,0. Gets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified. Legacy Text has been available since Unity 4. If you really need the ability to mix graphics or sprites inline with the text, you can take a look at TextMesh Pro which replaces UI. gameObject. Implements interfaces: ILayoutElement. Material: The Material used to render the text. Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. 2. Attached is the hierarchy. In the same line, it would be nice to also be able to set a maximum value on the Mar 20, 2015 · The fastest way to set an InputField's Text's text is actually to go right to the InputField itself and to set it's Text that will automatically update the InputField's text component. An Input Field is a way to make the text of a Text Control editable. For example: myResults = GetComponentsInChildren<ComponentType> () You can also call this method on a reference to different component, which might be attached to a different GameObject. The Outline component adds a simple outline effect to graphic components such as Text or Image. The first change we did was to add a new namespace reference. The options are Normal, Bold, Italic and Bold And Italic. using UnityEngine; public class Example : MonoBehaviour. G: Default Sprite Asset: Choose a default Sprite Asset to use for for rich text sprite tags that do not specify an Asset, and set other sprite-related In this case you can call the method with no preceding object specified. displayTooltipWhenElided. Use this PropertyAttribute to add a header above some fields in the Inspector. For older version of Unity, Application. This is the string value of a Text component. But if you want the player to select from the list, you'll probably want to create a prefab of a button that you can populate with the item info and display it that way. RegisterLogCallback should be used. GetComponents Apr 28, 2015 · Well if you want to change R,G,B or A components of the color of the text you can do it this way: text=gameobject. In this tutorial, you will learn to prepare fonts for use in TextMesh Pro, create new TextMesh Pro objects, and alter those Public Methods. For more information, see the Rect Transform documentation in the Unity Manual. getComponentInChildren<Text>(); // do whatever you want to do with the text here. FindAssets function, so they will also be included in the list of results Apr 13, 2022 · QuickStart to TextMesh Pro. Changing a few variables results in sharper, higher-quality text with a manageable size Mar 6, 2017 · The first component of type <TextMeshPro> is designed to replace the old TextMesh which uses the MeshRenderer. A) Transferring the string from another <Text> based The method used to handle the situation where wrapped text is too tall to fit in the rectangle. To display text in Unity, there are three types of text components you can use—UI Text, 3D Text Mesh, and Text Mesh Pro. Oct 24, 2020 · 1. Find("Name"). //Create a new Text GameObject by going to Create>UI>Text in the Editor. getTextByID(ID); result: twoLinesOfText = "Text line 1Text line 2" Expected output: Text line 1 Text line 2 Reality: Text line 1Text line 2 I have tried using "", "\" and "\r". Pasting: "\u00b0 some text" to a text input works just fine, but setting this same value with code will output In this video we see how to display text on screen in Unity, starting with the creation of a Canvas Text field that serves to render text on screen. #3. 对于没有隐式文本的控件(如 滑动条 ),可使用通过文本控件创建的标签来指示用途。. Fig. Note: This is a legacy component that has Aug 22, 2013 · Notice that you can use Add Component in the Inspector. experimental. The Text Mesh The main graphics primitive of Unity. Posts: 25. Function to Calculate the Preferred Width and Height of the text object given a certain string and size of text container. HernandoNJ, Sep 25, 2021. 0). I just had two text fields for my question and set each like so. } Then for every button you could add this method to OnClick listernes with the button itself as parameter. And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. The options are Truncate and Overflow. The 2nd of type <TextMeshProUGUI> is designed to replace UI. Back in the Flash Actionscript days, I would extend the main class and keep its original intended behaviour using Feb 2, 2015 · Botz3000. Multiple lines of text can be in scalable, dynamic text areas. Is not a comparison call. To be sure that you access the elements you expect, you can try to print their names: Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. #5. You should first check that this first child has a TextMeshPro component in your editor. 6 and is still used in some older projects. It turned out to be a stupid thing, as usual. It only works with the old TextMesh component. Select the imported font in the Project View. The Text control offers the usual parameters for font size, style, etc, and text alignment. Text. instance. Text Container Default Settings: Control the size of the text container for new text objects. I haven't messed with worldspace text yet. Share. This works so well! I have been searching for this and this is the only thing that has worked. There are two TMP components who both derive from TMP_Text. color= new Color(r,g,b,a); As far as I know you have to assign new Color to text. GetComponent<ComponentType> () However if you are writing code inside a MonoBehaviour class, you can omit the May 6, 2021 · Here in Unity, you have a component-oriented design. Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. ttf file - from the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (OS X) into the Project View. text = “hello world”; I want that to trigger another set of code, without explicitly calling those other functions. None of these give the intended result. score; Or you can add the UnityEngine. You can add components to the selected GameObject through the Component menu. Mar 19, 2009 · The easiest way is to run a text search through your scene files (if you're using text serialization; if not - that's going to be a bit more complicated). Glossary component generates 3D geometry that displays text strings. 5, 0. Their functionality is largely the same, but there are a few essential differences. Apr 10, 2020 · How do I get a reference to the text component of the text child of the button to change each button to display the saved name from the playerprefs. The old, non TextMeshPro text is under the Legacy option: Check image. Input Field. Posts: 7,174. You need to store NameText as a reference to a GameObject, and then call GetComponent<Text> () to get the Text component on the object. So there are four UI HUDs in total. UI Namespace. If you are using canvas you need the UI namespace as above and the class is just "Text". I have a small issue with Unicode inserted directly in the text. In order to make a Rect Transform with a Text component on it fit the text content, add a Content Size Fitter component to the same Game Object which has the Text component. I've been testing in 5. Checks the GameObject's tag against the defined tag. Leave feedback. Seems like it happens somewhat randomly but definitely happens on some mobile devices more than others. Text My_Text; and using UnityEngine. So you can either go with: numericalScore. Application. GetComponent<UnityEngine. The header is done using a DecoratorDrawer. 8 is released for Unity Editor version 2022. Most parts of your game scripts are also Components that are attached to GameObject. Jul 16, 2017 · I have been trying to modify the text displayed in an UI Text object by changing the text property of its Text component in a script not attached to it directly (it is attached to the empty parent 'Exception Message'), but I can't get it to be displayed. Scripting API and implementation references. It has many text appearance and formatting options, and is an easy way to add a professional touch to any project’s user interface. / Inherits from: UI. Implementation references. Text text = button. The Text components in Unity. The button width would increase with the length of the text up to this maximum value at which point the width would be fixed forcing the text to wrap to the next line now increasing the height of the button. CompareTag. That will probably be too extreme, but if it looks more-better, see if you can find a value in between Apr 13, 2022 · Learn how to use the UI components in Unity, such as Canvas, Button, Image, Text, Slider, and more. UI components are the essential elements of any UI design in Unity. GetComponent. text to the same value. e. I had an issue while editing the project, in case it happens to someone else. By default, UI Text and 3D Text Mesh appear blurry and are too large. Object Fields Example Lastly we also support older version of unity. When you drop a text file into your Project Folder, it will be converted to a Text Asset. Now try to change the text of the Text component in a script. text;) instead of the text component of the child text, otherwise an e. Be aware that there was a change in the UI systems in unity version 4. This tutorial will help you create interactive and user-friendly interfaces for your games and applications. Since the geometry created by TextMeshPro uses two triangles per character just like Unity’s text components, this improved visual quality and flexibility comes at no additional performance cost. This way, you'll be able to drag the game object into the 'NameText' field in the Unity Inspector window. Code (CSharp): txt = player. Jan 17, 2014 · In my game, the player controls one of four characters, each one instantiated with UI components as a child to the selected character prefab. 5f1, where want to set a text in Text Mesh Pro using Script graph. Mar 25, 2018 · The first way I tried is to create a gameObject and then put a cube (shape) and a canvas with Text in it. Adds a component class of type componentType to the GameObject. Start is called on the frame when a script is May 16, 2015 · The GameObject, the TextMesh component, AND the MeshRenderer will all need to be enabled. By default, a TextMesh Pro UI Text GameObject has the following components: Rect Transform: Controls the GameObject's position and size on the canvas. LTS 2022. A. If you are editing the project (not in play mode) and the UI appears blurry in the scene tab, you need to increase the size of the game tab. Feb 23, 2011 · The <quad> rich text tag doesn't work with UI. When false, rich text tags will not be parsed. Text is also useful for lists of instructions, story text, conversations and legal disclaimers. Mar 8, 2018 · Unity will look for the TextMeshPro component in the object textobj. Examples. Nov 16, 2018 · 1 Answer. GetComponentInChildren. This reference is used to work with Unity’s UI components, and so we add the using UnityEngine. Nurbs, Nurms, Subdiv surfaces must be converted to polygons. yeah now its call text mesh pro (tmp) you can still access text through legacy > text, but might be obsolete in the future. Other Versions. The typical usage for this method is to call it on a reference to a different GameObject than the one your script is on. The Content Size Fitter does work but you have to make sure you are using the TextMeshPro UGUI Component which is located in Create - UI - TextMeshPro - Text. F: Text Component Default Settings: Set the basic text formatting options for new text objects. But that's for screenspace text. class in UnityEngine. 4 and it's working great there too. Jun 21, 2019 · Then, when that object field is updated we update the text too. Text and offers a lot more functionality and rich text tags. You should manually update the parent's layout group. Font. 0, first use GameObject->Create Empty to create an empty game object, then use the Component->Rendering->GUIText option to add the GUIText component to the newly created game object. Components are the functional pieces of every GameObject. UI; public class TextFontExample : MonoBehaviour. UI Toolkit. So I removed it and added Text Mesh to the Properties. If all you want is a list, you could just create a string with line returns and format it the way you want and toss it into a text box. UI namespace to your using block at the very top of your script: using UnityEngine. UI. The legacy TextMesh and TextMeshPro which work standalone without a Canvas and are used and positioned like 3D objects. com and another dummy text' in the text component and hit play. Dec 27, 2011 · Set your components with a max desired alpha in your editor. I assign the text to the component Feb 24, 2020 · For example we would like to be able to have soccer ball emoji: unity default ui doesnt support this feauture you need to go to windows > package manager and install text mesh pro, using text mesh pro you can add graphics in the text. This information is also available in the FAQ - Question 9 on the TextMesh Pro user forum. { exampleText. questInfoContent. Then set both the Horizontal Fit and Vertical Fit dropdowns to the Preferred setting. Add components. If you press Play while you have the empty GameObject selected, the Y position of the Jan 5, 2010 · If you want to follow this tutorial, make sure to tick both boxes for "Control Child Size" (@1:38). Text and Button are just Components of GameObject entities. Just add Unity. And disabling the cube still doesn't make the text display. getEntityByName("QuestionText1"), ut. text = "Text Value I Want"; Will also set myInputFieldText. Log in Create a Unity ID Home Oct 8, 2020 · So what you could do is to take a button as parameter like this: void HandleText(Button button){. GetTextAnchorPivot. One is for Unity's UI, and the other is for placement in a 3D scene. Description. 3k 8 105 128. void Start() SphereCollider sc = gameObject. More info. I don't think Tiny supports multiline texts (Correct me if I'm wrong). cs to a Unity UI Text component where you want to detect and allow a link click. text = "Text Example Test automatic height"; Invoke("UpdateParentLayoutGroup", 0. logMessageReceived += LogCallback; Application. Choose GameObject > Create Other > 3D Text . This is only useful for text meshes and renders a section of text with a material specified by the parameter. text. Posts: 16. Feb 6, 2013 · 6,595. Alternatively, if you don't want to modify the source you could create an extension method for the Text class called SetText (). You have to target the correct gameobject and get the component off of it, but also note Code (CSharp): playerHealth. Gets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any child of the GameObject. Subscribe to it then get the text from it and assign it to the Text component. Step 8: In play mode, click on the link in the text component in the game view, and Sep 29, 2017 · I’m looking for a way to override or extend the text property of a Text component. We are <material=2>texturally</material> amused: quad: This is only useful for text meshes and renders an image inline with the text. Package version 3. Use this to read or edit the message displayed For controls that have no implicit text (such as Sliders ), you can indicate the purpose using a label created with a Text control. 2. DONE; By wrapping the script inside the #if UNITY_EDITOR directive, it will only be compiled and executed in the Unity Editor. In it you could then do what @fffMalzbier suggested, though it would be a bit less clear as Text. Like the other interaction controls, it’s not a visible UI (User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. Then, choose or click and drag your own font into the Font section in the Inspector window. However, the Text Mesh Pro is not in the Canvas and does not scale by default. Step 7: Enter a dummy text with a link like 'Some dummy text www. So: myInputField. (2D 物理挙動のみ). Best Fit: Should Unity ignore the size properties and simply try to fit the text to the control’s rectangle? Color: The color used to render the text. It is a simple and straightforward system that renders text using a bitmap font. I set the position of shape, canvas (world space) and text to (0,0,0) so that they will stay together. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. Public Methods. answered Dec 4, 2018 at 10:45. To add a Rigidbody component, select the GameObject and select Component > Physics > Rigidbody from the menu. Protected Methods. Canvas Renderer: Renders the GameObject on the canvas. UI line. color. On Awake () run. Attach this script to the Text GameObject. Text2DRenderer); Jun 14, 2011 · 10. 0. Sep 3, 2022 · I'm using Visual scripting in Unity 2021. Stephan_B said: ↑. Chris Klingler. text = quest. text = String. vuexr. We're getting this corrupted text throughout our UI. TextMesh Pro supports two kinds of text objects. UI can be omitted, at this point. OnDisable. Do not change the script because you can lose all your data. There are currently only 3 ways of handling line break (or any text formatting) when transferring a string onto a <text> component in a project. When I create a Text Mesh Pro using Game Object > 3D Object > Text - Text Mesh Pro menu items, I can set the text using a Script graph. OnWillRenderObject is called for each camera if the object is visible and not a UI element. 6, a lot of tutorials will be for the older system; newer system is much better. But we also still have to store the objects under the readme component so that Unity serializes the references when a project builds, or unity is closed. Properties. GetComponentInParent: Gets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any parent of the GameObject. LeftyRighty, Apr 29, 2016. I don't have enough info to know what problem you are having now, but my guess is you are turning off the GameObject to hide the text, then you are trying to enable the MeshRenderer to show the text. The Text component that is going to be used to render the text to screen. {. For more information on the relationship between components and GameObjects, see GameObjects The fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. Choose GameObject->Create Other->3D Text . text = "Score : " + scoreManager. GetComponent<InputField> (). using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine. 6. Follow these steps to create a Text Mesh with a custom Font: Import a font by dragging a TrueType Font - a . 106 5. Dec 14, 2016 · Step 6: Now, add this TextClickController. In Unity Text component i would simple add Shadow and Outline component, in TMP I don't see any of this. And there are the UGUI or UI components Text and TextMeshProUGUI which are used in combination with a Canvas . Text> (). Fit to size of Text. Dynamic text fields provide a scalable view for editing and review. Dec 14, 2022 · 2 Answers. Zalosath, May 1, 2020. When true, a tooltip displays the full version of elided text, and also if a tooltip had been previously provided, it will be overwritten. It must be on the same GameObject The fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. Text and designed to work with the CanvasRenderer and Canvas system. The supported text formats are: Note that script files are also considered text assets for the purposes of using the AssetDatabase. If you have a reference to the button then use Transform#GetChild (0) to get the first child of the Button, then use GetComponent<Text> to get the text component on the child. Jul 10, 2013 · Child Text Text Component - Horiz Overflow = Wrap This works as intended as far as if I press the enter key the parent expands vertically to fit the new line of text, however if I create a new line from the text wrapping (rather than pressing enter) the parent does not expand vertically to fit the new line of text. Glossary element in itself and must be combined with one or more visual UI elements in order to be visible. [Header("Health Settings ")] public int health = 0; public int maxHealth = 100; Aug 17, 2017 · The problem is still there and /n doesn't work if the string from which the text is being added/modified from isn't compiled at the right time. Text is the legacy component for displaying text in Unity since its inception. Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Visual Scripting doesn't support TMP by default, so to get them working together you'll need to update it's assembly definitions list through Edit > Project Settings > Visual Scripting. logMessageReceived event is invoked when there is a log. Font Size. GetComponentInChildren: Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. I had the same problem. The default Graphic to draw font data to screen. You can make your own color to assign or use one of the standard colors: Gets a reference to a component of type T on the specified GameObject. Code (JavaScript): let qt1 = this. Text>(). Dec 4, 2018 · If you want to add a TextMesh you can add it like that, if you want to add something else you can change the generic parameter to the behaviour you want to add: this. In Unity 2017 you have to use the text component of the InputField ( String myText = myInputField. text could still be modified as well. AddComponent(typeof( SphereCollider )) as SphereCollider ; Note that there is no RemoveComponent (), to remove a component, use Object. They are both in the TMPro namespace. isElided. Scripts attached to a GameObject appear in the GameObject’s Inspector A Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you to inspect and edit the values. It is using TextMeshPro UGUI: BlockFade, Jul 23, 2017. BroadcastMessage. GetComponents May 1, 2017 · Per #2: What I do for canvas text items is set the scale to (0. Sep 3, 2017 · Add Text gameobject as a child and add a Content Size Fitter component. Dec 29, 2014 · The Text class is in the UnityEngine. Aug 26, 2019 · There are two different kinds of text components in Unity. 5) and double the font size. cachedTextGeneratorForLayout seems really promising - it returns a list of UILineInfo objects, which each tell you the start and end char index for the line. UI; To create a component with script, you need to write the script and then attach it to a GameObject. In short, to change a text by clicking the button you need: Great performance. OnDisable. Declaration public Vector2 GetPreferredValues(string text, float width, float height) Aug 26, 2019 · There are two different kinds of text components in Unity. Apr 30, 2016 · GUIText is from the old system. The value is an index into the text mesh's array of materials as shown by the inspector. Text. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what causes it. GetComponent< Text >(). TextField. Hope that makes sense. Scripting API. What I mean by this is, every time I set my Text component like this: myText. I am using it on a Scroll Rect, and I am using code to change what the text says, I personally have to set the min height really high, as it's acting Jan 27, 2017 · Sep 12, 2015. ちなみに、 Text型の変数をpublicにして先程と同じように May 5, 2021 · Text is one of the most important components in holographic apps. Next, we create a public Text variable, where we can drag and drop our Text UI element onto. May 18, 2020 · 75. More specifically, there is a <sprite=index> <sprite Feb 29, 2016 · public int id; public string questName; } and this is my set text code and this is also where it gives me the error: Code (CSharp): UIManager. g. This is useful to avoid setup errors. To make generic 2D text for GUIs, use a GUI Text component instead. Apr 13, 2023 · 1. Weird, same thing with RawImage. Converting my comment: if you have a class of yours named Text, it will override Unity's one. Jul 11, 2018 · 2. For example, we have some Android devices that often see it while some higher end iOS devices never see it. GetComponentInParent: Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. Text Fields in Figma -> A Text Field is an input field that allows users to enter text. 39. 文本控件提供字体大小、样式以及文本对齐方式等常用参数。. @Doug_B has the correct question, if the component is not on the same gameobject, the value is null. Then we Watch this lesson on the Unity Learn pages here -The Text component, used to render text onscreen for various purposes such as labels, buttons, and other inf . The Font used to display the text. Game tab bigger, scene tab UI clearer. AddComponent<TextMesh>(); Share. Jun 18, 2015 · Example: Imagine a button with a child text component. A: Option to create a new Text Mesh Pro text for the user interface. GetComponentIndex: Gets the index of the component on its parent GameObject. sm cz dg kq et fe bt rn wu on