Apache airflow logs not showing. yaml dags include packages. Log Cleanup. Plugins can be used as an easy way to write, share and activate new sets of features. udemy. It performs Mar 5, 2024 · A Create a DAG Calendar View to show the status of your DAG run across time more easily. Aug 16, 2021 · However, the sheer volume of logs along with the nested directory scheme made the recursive traversal and searching of old log files very cumbersome. To test this, you can run airflow dags list and confirm that your DAG shows up in the list. Tasks failing often with no logs #21624. cfg" file. Apache Airflow Elasticsearch Provider 1. I already killed webserver and restarted everything. can_delete. 2. Note that Airflow Scheduler in versions prior to 2. Airflow stores datetime information in UTC internally and in the database. Everything installed fine, as far as I see from command line, and I first create a user: airflow users create --role Admin --username admin --email admin --firstname admin --lastname admin --password admin And then from here I start up the webserver and scheduler: To access task logs in the Airflow UI click on the square of a task instance in the Grid views and then select the Logs tab. info('This is an info message') logging. May 13, 2020 · 👍 SMASH THE LIKE BUTTON ️ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO STAY UP TO DATE🏆 THE COURSE : https://www. This is bad for the s3 connection type, possibly others. Often you want to use your own python code in your Dec 2, 2021 · This is the airflow logs: airflow_all_log_files. but when in ran the breeze env. Dynamic Task Mapping allows a way for a workflow to create a number of tasks at runtime based upon current data, rather than the DAG author having to know in advance how many tasks would be needed. DAG Runs. Writing logs to Amazon Cloudwatch. The top row is a chart of DAG Runs by duration, and below, task instances. Use login and password. Reload to refresh your session. This was generally harmless, as the memory is just cache and could be reclaimed at any time by the system, however, in version 2. 6 KB Webserver Health Check Endpoint. cfg using base_log_folder. I'm using the LocalExecutor through the Ubuntu and saved my files at "C:\Users\tdamasce\Documents\workspace" with the dag and log file inside it. Insights. The environment variable naming convention is AIRFLOW_VAR_ {VARIABLE_NAME}, all uppercase. Airflow uses constraint files to enable reproducible installation, so using pip and constraint files is recommended. 2 on Kubernetes 1. When a DAG submits a task, the KubernetesExecutor requests a worker pod from the Kubernetes API. 4 and beyond, writing logs will not generate excessive Page Cache Creating a Connection with the UI. The following article will describe how you can create your own module so that Airflow can load it correctly, as well as diagnose problems when modules are not loaded properly. You switched accounts on another tab or window. txt. Airflow supports concurrency of running tasks. They are stored in a database and can be accessed through the Airflow UI. How to reproduce it: Its reproduced by opening these pages every time. From Airflow 2. Only one authorization method can be used at a time. May 21, 2020 · I am running a simple code to check the logging in from the airflow task. Logs are stored in the log folder as {dag_id The logging capabilities are critical for diagnosis of problems which may occur in the process of running data pipelines. This is a summary of all Apache Airflow Community provided implementations of writing task logs exposed via community-managed providers. 0. Note that logs are only sent to remote storage once a task completes (including failure). Airflow processes are up and running and Airflow UI is accessible through localhost:8080 address. Airflow™ provides many plug-and-play operators that are ready to execute your tasks on Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and many other third-party services. echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$( id -u)" > . Kibana). Connection EXTRAs are revealed in the UI. Such user will be able to see all audit logs, independently of The custom title will be applied to both the page header and the page title. on Feb 9, 2022. If you don’t have a connection properly setup, this process will fail. 0 (71786) or docker 3. compile the source code in pycharm. The message is related to the latency of syncing logs from Airflow workers to WebServer, it takes at least some minutes (depending on the number of objects and their size) The total log size seems not large but it’s enough to noticeably slow down . Airlfow is marking the job as success but the script inside the container is failing and I have no clue of what is going as I cannot see the logs properly. Even my containers are running in the healthy state. info. Oct 19, 2016 · 86. area:core kind:bug. For example, export AIRFLOW_VAR_FOO= BAR. Sep 29, 2016 · Once you change the structure of your DAG/tasks you need to restart the webserver (and probablly the scheduler too) in order to see the new changes on the gui. Why can't I see the parameters variable value? I see only the copy of the executed code without the values of the variables Airflow security model - user types¶. Jan 28, 2021 · Once the executor finishes however, I can see the full logs both when I cat the file and in the airflow UI. Not all volume plugins have support for ReadWriteMany access mode. A valuable component of logging and monitoring is the use of task callbacks to act upon changes in state of a given task, or across all tasks in a given DAG. We need to have Docker installed as we will be using the Running Airflow in Docker procedure for this example. yaml below: Once Airflow was ready, I accessed the UI and trigger the "s3_dag_test" DAG. DAG Serialization. Dags should shown up in DAGs list. Using Airflow Web UI. If you do no give airflow a chance to start because your environment is broken, you also do not give it a chance to log anything because it needs to start to be able to report anything. At the moment, Airflow does not convert them to the end user’s time zone in the user interface. After that, I accessed the worker pod: As you can see the logs were there. The following section describes how to view Apache Airflow logs in the CloudWatch console. I have deploy airflow 2. org. Note. The dag is visible when we do docker dags list: 1 This is a running airflow enviornment with pre-loaded dags. The Parameters reference section lists the Mar 28, 2018 · The problem of the passwords showing in the logs is still a possibility if someone is writes an operator that logs details from the connection. Step3: Create Amazon Web Services connection. Airflow REST API - Apache Airflow Loading May 18, 2020 · Part 1: Reading Logs from Elasticsearch. If I clear the tasks, it will then run successfully. Each component of Airflow will then log onto the same volume. I have also DAGs file (tuto. You will see a similar result as in the screenshot below. It defines four Tasks - A, B, C, and D - and dictates the order in which they have to run, and which tasks depend on what others. Configuring logging. Remote logging to Amazon Cloudwatch uses an existing Airflow connection to read or write logs. You can also see logging options available in the core Airflow in Logging for Tasks and here you can see those provided by the community-managed providers: Mar 21, 2022 · within a few minutes. The same applies to airflow dags test, but on a DAG level. The AIRFLOW_HOME environment variable is used to inform Airflow of the desired Time Zones. Ensure that the DAG is not paused and that the start date is not set in the future. And this is the airflow scheduler logs: airflow_scheduler_log_files. Airflow provides a command airflow cleanup that can be run periodically, for example via a cron job, to clean up old log files according to the configuration settings. Jul 26, 2020 · The default path for the logs is at /opt/airflow/logs. helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow --namespace airflow --create-namespace. 19. AirflowException: Dag could not be found; either it does not exist or it failed to parse subcommand: Possible choices: version, initdb, upgradedb, delete_dag, task_state, list_dags, resetdb, create_user, webserver, pool, scheduler, serve_logs, clear pip install 'apache-airflow[otel]' Add the following lines to your configuration file e. This is. 0 DAG Serialization is a hard requirement and the Webserver used the serialized DAGs, there is no need to kill an existing worker and create a new one as frequently as 30 seconds. The Airflow security model involves different types of users with varying access and capabilities: While - in smaller installations - all the actions related to Airflow can be performed by a single user, in larger installations it is apparent that there different responsibilities, roles and capabilities that need to be separated. Choose an environment. You can also run airflow tasks list foo_dag_id --tree and confirm that your task shows up in the list as expected. The system informs the dags are not present in the dag folder but they remain in UI because the scheduler has marked it as active in the metadata database. It is not a streaming data solution. Note that the airflow tasks test command runs task instances locally, outputs their log to stdout (on screen), does not bother with dependencies, and does not communicate state (running, success, failed, ) to the database. It should help to avoid dependency on particular KMS key. There are two ways to connect to SFTP using Airflow. What you expected to happen. cfg. Streaming pipelines use event-based triggers. # Start up all services. One of the ways is using their Kubernetes Executor that was introduced in Apache Airflow 1. Any time the DAG is executed, a DAG Run is created and all tasks inside it are executed. Preview of DAG in iTerm2. To solve this you can simply mount a volume for the logs directory so that all the airflow containers have access to the logs file, as the dags file but for logs. Airflow is deployable in many ways, varying from a single Jun 7, 2023 · Anyone has an idea of what I need to change to have the logs readable in the web-ui? I have the following log config in airflow. . Similarly all Airflow-As-A-Service Log persistence enabled¶ This option will provision a PersistentVolumeClaim with an access mode of ReadWriteMany. Nov 6, 2018 · If you're running Airflow in a Docker, then killing the PID won't help, neither restarting the service. import logging. Click the Create link to create a new connection. Airflow doesn’t manage event-based jobs. With the above configurations, Webserver and Worker Pods can access Amazon S3 bucket and write logs without using any Access Key and Secret Key or Instance profile credentials. I tried both and the result is the same. Remote log configuration for Elasticsearch is slightly different than other remote log Apr 22, 2021 · I installed Airflow using the values. However, when I go to UI I can't see the DAG listed in DAG tab. Using Airflow plugins can be a way for companies to customize their Airflow installation to reflect their ecosystem. 3, 2. When these permissions are listed, access is granted to users who either have the listed permission or the same permission for the specific DAG being acted upon. Refer Persistent Volume Access Modes for details. Apache Airflow version 2. In order to make Airflow Webserver stateless, Airflow >=1. How often does this problem occur? Once? Every time etc? Every time. Choose a log in Log stream. cfg file or using environment variables. I can view logs in /opt/logs but logs of DAGS not show on UI. I don't know what happened on K8S cluster, I tried on docker-compose and it shows normal logs. it didn;t shown in list i-e list is showing empty. The command deploys Airflow on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. KubernetesExecutor requires a non-sqlite database in the backend. For more information on setting the configuration, see Setting Configuration Options. ”. As a result, you can decide to run it as a standalone Configuration Reference. Any relevant logs to include? Jul 12, 2023 · HttpSensor response_check logs not showing for all the attempts We just upgrade from 2. image: ${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_NAME:-abhigyan97/airflow} environment: Feb 3, 2022 · Apache Airflow version. First part is getting Airflow to read logs from Elasticsearch. 5 . [logging] base_log_folder = /opt/airflow/logs. I’m running Apache airflow on my local Windows 11 machine. The status of the DAG Run depends on the tasks states. This includes DAGs. g. My docker compose file looks like. Mar 24, 2022 · I'm facing some issues trying to set up a basic DAG file inside the Airflow (but also I have other two files). It didn't work. In some cases the upgrade happens automatically - it depends if in your deployment, the upgrade is built-in as post-install action. In addition to the standard logging and metrics capabilities, Airflow supports the ability to detect errors in the operation of Airflow itself, using an Airflow health check. debug('This is a debug message') logging. Have tried refreshing, restarting airflow, etc. 3 What happened When running code from an import module, e. If you use the CeleryExecutor, you may want to confirm that this works both where the scheduler runs as well as where the worker runs. If a pipeline is late, you can quickly see where the different steps are and identify the blocking ones. Unanswered. can_edit, and DAGs. remote_logging = False. specifications for all Airflow extras. Updating DAGs and their sequence in code (Airflow shows the update), but this is not showing in the Airflow GUI (tree/graph view). can_read permission. The first step in the workflow is to download all the log files from the server. 25d9df23d557 apache/airflow:2. 0 and contrasts this with DAGs written using the traditional paradigm. This is quite confusing for new users, I expected to see new DAGs after manually clicking on the Refresh button (the one next to Auto-refresh toggle) Apr 21, 2020 · 4. You can import the logging module into your code and write to logs that way. But I am getting errors displaying the logs. env. For some reason it's not picking up 'extract_api_data_task', even though the following is stated: create_psql Viewing Apache Airflow logs. Open the Environments page on the Amazon MWAA console. thanks. set debug mode on Airflow (see configuration docs on how to do it) and see if there are no errors with importing Providers. version: '3'. Modules Management. boto3, the logs are not printed to the Airflow log. Select the logs you want to see. For more information, see astro dev logs. Make sure that the same packages are installed when you parse a DAG and when you execute it. Dec 27, 2019 · Your dag file should be under airflow-dir/dags. If a field such as role-arn is set, Airflow does not follow the boto3 default flow because it manually create a session using connection fields. The details panel will update when selecting a DAG Run by clicking on a duration bar: 3 days ago · Go to the Logs Explorer in the Google Cloud console. The steps below should be sufficient, but see the quick-start documentation for full instructions. Jun 13, 2022 · Basically, I have installed Apache Airflow on an Ubuntu system. apache-airflow-providers-amazon==2. Install the google package, like so: pip install 'apache-airflow [google]'. Verify that logs are showing up for newly executed tasks in the bucket you have defined. warning('This is a warning message') Robust Integrations. It is recommended that you use lower-case characters and separate words with underscores. Set Airflow Home (optional): Airflow requires a home directory, and uses ~/airflow by default, but you can set a different location if you prefer. For DAG-level permissions exclusively, access can be controlled at the level of all DAGs or individual DAG objects. 3 (latest released) What happened. 5. Jul 25, 2018 · In the Airflow Web UI, local logs take precedance over remote logs. 3 to 2. A bar chart and grid representation of the DAG that spans across time. fyi, I'm running apache on a VM with centos7. Here, airflow-dir is the folder you have specified against your environment variable AIRFLOW_HOME. Callback functions are only invoked when It is, however, recommended to change to use - in extras in your dependency. SFTPOperator needs an SSH connection id, we will config it in Jun 28, 2017 · Airflow example dags remain in the UI even after I have turned off load_examples = False in config file. KubernetesExecutor runs as a process in the Airflow Scheduler. Dynamic Task Mapping. For example, if you want to display example_bash_operator DAG then you can use the following command: airflow dags show example_bash_operator --imgcat. 2. The -l flag will ensure that output is not truncated or ellipsized. The following systemctl commands will query systemd for the state of Apache’s processes. 7 supports DAG Serialization and DB Persistence. By default, logs are placed in the AIRFLOW_HOME directory. We also faced the same issue then raised a support ticket to GCP and got the following reply. Jul 16, 2021 · Now, after making the necessary changes my UI is not showing dags, In the Webserver, scheduler, worker container the dags directory has been mapped. Choose a log group in the Monitoring pane. This tutorial builds on the regular Airflow Tutorial and focuses specifically on writing data pipelines using the TaskFlow API paradigm which is introduced as part of Airflow 2. This makes Airflow easy to apply to current infrastructure and extend to next-gen technologies. It allows you to run your DAGs with time zone dependent schedules. bas Jul 30, 2020 · To troubleshoot common Apache errors using the systemd service manager, the first step is to inspect the state of the Apache processes on your system. Restart the Airflow webserver and scheduler, and trigger (or wait for) a new task execution. Authenticating to SFTP. It will return a JSON object in which a high-level glance is provided. In this case the log is being created on one container and tiring to be read it on an other container. apache. Go to Logs Explorer. 10. 3. txt plugins requirements. Without DAG Serialization & persistence in DB, the Webserver and the Scheduler both need access to the DAG files. When using Kubernetes Executor, Airflow is running in Aug 26, 2021 · Two ways to fix it: Delete Log Groups, create new Log Groups with the same name and using KMS key which is used by MWAA. I had been seeing DAG parsing errors with this one, I increased the DAG parsing timeouts along with a few other variables and this seems to help here. cfg must be configured as in the example below. 1 (latest released) Operating System. CONTAINER ID IMAGE PORTS NAMES. Open the Admin->Connections section of the UI. To enable this feature, airflow. It will always be displayed in UTC there. Each DAG Run is run separately from one another, meaning that you can have many runs of a DAG at the same time. google_key_path =. x-airflow-common: &airflow-common. delete_local_logs = False. Also, make sure the owner of your dag is the user under which your dag's folder exists, for example, if it resides somewhere under /home/username/, the owner in default_args of your dag definition Dec 2, 2021 · This is the airflow logs: airflow_all_log_files. New in version 1. I have restarted the Airflow webserver but without Jun 22, 2021 · The DAG dependency page doesn't show the dependency graph. info('Hello') Here are some more options. This page contains the list of all the available Airflow configurations that you can set in airflow. The Astro CLI includes a command to show webserver, scheduler, triggerer and Celery worker logs from the local Airflow environment. Apache Airflow version. You can filter by properties such as log file and level, predefined label, task name, workflow, and execution date. To do this, you should use the --imgcat switch in the airflow dags show command. How to reproduce. Note the required {log_id} in the URL, when constructing the external link, Airflow replaces this parameter with the same log_id_template used for writing logs (see Writing logs The DagFileProcessorManager is a process executing an infinite loop that determines which files need to be processed, and the DagFileProcessorProcess is a separate process that is started to convert an individual file into one or more DAG objects. It simply allows testing a single task instance. Environment variables: airflowEnvs: description: All environment variables to setup and run Airflow. 3 (CeleryExecutor) Describe the bug Logs are not showing in the UI or the pod. remote_base_log_folder =. To be able to see audit logs, a user needs to have the Audit Logs. So if your variable key is FOO then the variable name should be AIRFLOW_VAR_FOO. The scheduling process is fundamentally different between batches and streams: Batch jobs (and Airflow) rely on time-based scheduling. 3. Jan 11, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. Airflow's logging system is highly customizable, allowing for detailed control over log levels and destinations. If you need to manage multiple credentials or keys then you should configure multiple connections. To enable it, airflow. If you did not change the default connection ID, an empty AWS connection named aws_default would be enough. logging. Which chart: airflow:8. cfg: [webserver] instance_name = "DevEnv". Don't use KMS key when you create MWAA. For more information about selecting and filtering logs, see Using the Logs Explorer. Support for time zones is enabled by default. Airflow’s extensible Python framework enables you to build workflows connecting with virtually any technology. I have been trying past 2 days to resolve this. , as suggested by other posts and their solutions. I am setting up a small simple airflow celery worker cluster where all the celery workers are on different hosts than the major airflow services. Verify that the Google Cloud Storage viewer is working in the UI. What you expected to happen: I expected the dag dependency page to show the dags and their dependency in a Graph view. Airflow allows you to use your own Python modules in the DAG and in the Airflow configuration. There’s also a need for a set of more complex applications to interact with different flavors of data and metadata. The DagFileProcessorManager runs user codes. exceptions. This helps in keeping the log directory clean and manageable. Jan 10, 2023 · Airflow “is a batch orchestration workflow platform. There is a DAG python script which I created and saved it in the dags folder in airflow which is being referred to in the "airflow. to join this conversation on GitHub. Mar 7, 2022 · Airflow up and running but no DAG-s in UI. To check the health status of your Airflow instance, you can simply access the endpoint /health. Weirdly, on the other hand, when I exec into the executor pod as it is running, and I cat the exact same log file in the shared EFS, I am able to see the correct logs up until that point in the job, and when I immediately cat from the The default value for [webserver]worker_refresh_interval was 30 seconds for Airflow <=2. Anything else. By default, logs are written to the local file system, but for more robust solutions, especially in cloud environments, it's common to configure remote logging to services like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage. You signed out in another tab or window. Feb 9, 2022 · Security. To make this change, simply: Add the configuration option of instance_name under the [webserver] section inside airflow. I compiled the source code and then added dag files in dags folder. In recent versions of Airlfow they will appear without changing log level so you might want to also try to upgrade (You did not explauin which verison of Airlfow you use and what deployment you use either). 2 8080/tcp airflow-webserver. Those extras are only available when you install Airflow from sources in --editable mode. Alternatively, you can set a custom title using the environment variable: Nov 5, 2021 · Apache Airflow version. I often have tasks failing in Airflow and no logs are produced. 0 Callbacks. txt Airflow_UI 1920×648 34. The data pipeline chosen here is a simple pattern with three separate I am putting the Dags along with the docker image and all the pods share the same image. py) in dags folder but I can’t see any DAGs via the Airflow UI. When running on my local machine, the logs are printed to the console after settings logging. The other dags are getting updated except for one dag. What you need to do is to search for the Docker container of Airflow's webserver and remove it like this: docker ps. 4 generated a lot of Page Cache memory used by log files (when the log files were not removed). Apache Airflow™ is an open-source platform for developing, scheduling, and monitoring batch-oriented workflows. Fill in the Connection Id field with the desired connection ID. cfg [metrics] otel_on = False otel_host = localhost otel_port = 8889 otel_prefix = airflow otel_interval_milliseconds = 30000 # The interval between exports, defaults to 60000 otel_ssl_active = False Working with TaskFlow. In this case, AWS managed key aws/airflow will be used automatically. For the default handler, FileTaskHandler, you can specify the directory to place log files in airflow. The status of each component can be either “healthy” or “unhealthy”. New and Improved Re-thinking how we could make the log archival more efficient, we realized that we could write a DAG that could quickly delete old logs by avoiding the find command altogether. You can use the latest docker 4. Change log: 205 To install this chart using Helm 3, run the following commands: helm repo add apache-airflow https://airflow. A DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is the core concept of Airflow, collecting Tasks together, organized with dependencies and relationships to say how they should run. Share. The scheduler itself does not necessarily need to be running on Kubernetes, but does need access to a Kubernetes cluster. 3 (64133). We create one downloading task for one log file, all the tasks can be running in parallel, and we add all the tasks into one list. May 16, 2021 · Also, there is no logs folder created inside my airflow_dir directory as shown below: Dockerfile airflow_settings. While each component does not require all, some configurations need to be same otherwise they would not work as expected. 3 released. airflow. May 1, 2020 · I'm running a python script inside the docker container using DockerOperator and I need airflow to spit out the logs from the python script running inside the container. Released airflow package does not contain devel, devel-*, doc and doc-gen extras. In other words, remote logs for running tasks are unavailable. Use the same configuration across all the Airflow components. Apr 23, 2019 · I added a new DAG into dag folder and when I run airflow list_dags it shows me the dag examples along with my new dag. A user can configure Airflow to show a link to an Elasticsearch log viewing system (e. This is similar to defining your tasks in a for loop, but instead of having the DAG file fetch the data and do that itself In order to use IRSA in Airflow, you have to create an aws connection with all fields empty. zorzigio asked this question in General. can_read, DAGs. However if can also use the cmd line interface interface >airflow list_tasks <dag_id> among many other useful commands to test and run the new changes. In Airflow, audit logs are used to track user actions and system events that occur during the execution of DAGs and tasks. However, since Airflow 2. Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Versions of Apache Airflow Providers. Examples: Initial setup. # Initialize the database. 6. DAG Visibility: If your airflow dag is not showing up, check if the DAG file is in the correct folder and that it doesn't contain syntax errors. 0, the Scheduler also uses Serialized DAGs for consistency and makes scheduling decisions. DAGs. Use private_key or key_file, along with the optional private_key_passphrase. Mar 29, 2018 · Airflow dag file is in place but it's not showing up when I do airflow dags list 2 airflow. I intend to serve the logs from the celery workers directly indicated by this section. For example, you may wish to alert when certain tasks have failed, or have the last task in your DAG invoke a callback when it succeeds. Sep 22, 2023 · Each DAG run corresponds to a CloudWatch Log Stream, and these streams are created but logs are not written to them for some reason. A DAG Run is an object representing an instantiation of the DAG in time. A web interface helps manage the state of your workflows. A new dag in the screenshot above the last file is placed in the dags directory. Additionally, the min_log_file_ttl_days can be set to ensure that logs are not deleted too quickly. remote_log_conn_id =. 1. The final step to create connections under Airflow UI before executing the DAGs. cfg must be configured as follows: In the above example, Airflow will try to use AwsLogsHook ('MyCloudwatchConn'). Operating Feb 14, 2024 · In this case you have wrong environment. com/course/the-ultimate-hands-on-course-to-master-apac Jan 10, 2023 · Not able to find my DAG in airflow WEB UI even though the dag is in correct folder. Database Issues: The metadata database should be reachable and correctly configured. The problem occurs every time I build and run dockerfile and docker-compose. Airflow Variables can also be created and managed using Environment Variables. If local logs can not be found or accessed, the remote logs will be displayed. Feb 10, 2021 · Airlflow has several ways to support scaling. Aug 15, 2020 · Instantiate a new DAG. May 12, 2021 · 1. For example when you are using Helm Chart for Apache Airflow with post-upgrade hooks enabled, the database upgrade happens automatically right after the new software is installed. Aug 4, 2022 · We need to go ahead and reset the entire DB and reload airflow in order for the dag to start appearing on the front end. 2 and now the logs for response_check function showing logs for the last attempt (when the check is valid) anyone has an idea what happened? Jul 18, 2022 · Yes I am willing to submit a PR! Code of Conduct. The path in the pod I've been checking Writing logs. yh gc bv km vc oz jg hi ys zz